kinda annoys me these days.
It's not cute anymore.
I don't know if i like you. Well , I think I do.
But I am always thinking of what
you can't do for me.
And senses would tell me that this is just stupid. Maybe it's true that I need to get rid of my dogmatic ego , the one that whispers beside my ear that I am too good. The one that tells me that this is nothing but a waste of time , a game that leads us nowhere , the kind that can only end worse than it started.
If you tell me to place ego aside , I cannot do it.
We are both very different people with vastly different values. I am too assertive for my own good , the kind of girl who must have things her way. We can never seem to see eye to eye over anything. You cannot put yourself in my shoes and I am unwilling to look at things from your point of view. I just don't get it. In fact , I find myself disgusted by the way you think. It's almost disturbing - if that's the word- how easy you had it in life. There's just too much you have yet to see and learn. I really am too old for all these nonsense.
When it comes to boys , I never seem to find the right one. There's always this initial spark that dies out as quickly as it appeared. It's really so crucial , the things that comes out of a person's mouth. At 17 , I dare say I've met all sorts of male , boy and men alike.
Just not my luck , I guess. :)