first time working . and today was my second day at sushi king . i would like to say more , but honestly im too tired to be spewing out details now , except that i've met ALL sorts of funny characters . -_-
there are really nice people though . too bad they are heavily outnumbered by people who arent .
honestly , look into my face . do i look like i need the job ? i am here more of as a favor to a friend than for the money . 300 bucks for three days ? you might think it's decent , but 300 bucks for 30 hours of ALMOST CONTINUOUS pouring tea , cleaning dirty tables , serving people ? i'd rather GIVE you 300 bucks to NOT make me do that . i just dont understand why arent people...nice to others . i'm always courteous and pleasant to waiters . here's a piece of my mind - if you are so arrogant because you think you are so fucking rich to a point that you think you are in a position to snub people , dont be eating in cheap, mediocre place like sushi king then , period .
it really is as simple as that because whatever it is that you might think does segregates us (and IF that something is not stupidity wtf) , it should not exist because we all live under the same blue sky anyway WTF .
this sounds corny but it is true . you dont see me judging you for being ugly WTFWTF .
and so you see , i really tried sucking up my pride and be...sweet . for the very simple reason that i am paid to do what i am paid to do , and it is only out of decency to keep my end of the deal . it's not about the money , no , it really isnt . in fact , i think if someone pissed me off enough , i would not hesitate to just walk out . but i am trying my best to keep cool , for one of the only reasons my mom agreed to this was so that i know how it's like to 'sau other people's hei' WTF . T___T' yes mom , you win . if this is how the real working world is , then i better learn how to tone down my temper and ego . i can be arrogant sometimes , very arrogant in fact , and i realize that my only consolation , which was that i know i am right in that matter , is not that much of a consolation afterall .
everyone thinks they are right .
you will think you are wrong meh ? i wont wan loh hahahahaha .
anyway , as my father said , he's literally CHIPPING IN MONEY for me to 'go play play ' WTF . he's right . my expenditure on everything in a day also almost , if not , exceed my pay . -___- as the chinese saying goes , 'zhou lei mai fa tai' WTF . work so hard to buy wear flowers? wtf . T___T
but really good life lesson lah i swear . i've never poured so much tea , peeled so much eggshells , served so many people , TOLERATE SO MUCH 'ATTITUDE' , and most importantly , i've never felt more thankful with the comfortable life i have . look , look , i am not bragging , dont take me the wrong way . i do not have much , but i do have enough , and is that not a reason to feel blessed ?
we always take what we have for granted .
especially things that are GIVEN to us from birth . security , food on the table , money , education and er...more money wtf .
i do not come from a rich family , but i've never once lacked when it came to love . in fact , there are times when i feel almost suffocated parents' overwhelming need to protect me that it makes me so so angry at times . but if it isnt for them , i wouldn't be who i am today . i wouldnt have all the guts in the world to talk back to people when i know im right , i would never have dared command respect so boldly from people who think they can bully me and get away scot free . i am so fearless that at times , it scares me . people who dont know me call me rude . i think it's just a refreshing side to a girl that not many of you have witness before . either way , you can say whatever you want about me . but one thing i can NEVER tolerate is when others speak of my parents in a negative light . that's the only reason i will diu kau 7 a person to tahap maksimas , and i swear i never , ever walk away from the argument losing WTF .
anyway , it's late now and i need sleep . i shall not digress . one more day to sushi king . im gonna do my best to tolerate . i think that is the most challenging of all , and not the pain i get from ferrying the ultra heavy kettles from one end of the restaurant to the other , refilling almost NON STOP until my wrists hurt like $@^%@ .
money really does not drop from the sky wtf, the saying is true .
but thank god he sent me a banker in the form of a father wtf nature's gift to me wtf hallelujahhhh T___T .
good night! x .
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