Friday, December 23, 2011

It's good

to finally let it all out.

of course i don't know if you actually understood much of what i said . but i don't think that matters at all , does it ? what's important is that i've been honest with you . it's very rare that i'm ever honest with anyone when it comes to that .

it's great to know that i'm not alone when it comes to a lot of things . some people have it harder , some people more fortunate , but we all have our stories . just because it's not written on the face doesn't mean it isn't etched to the heart .

Vanessa and I . I don't think she'll be reading this but I love her to bits! 

and this is me with a giant bear outside Pavillion KL . This was the most colorful bear. 

and this is me with Bryan post exams . 

and then you have me again . this picture was taken some weeks back so you know i'm still alive and kicking .  

this is such a brief update but it's good to be in touch with my web journal again . i'll be registering for college tomorrow . yes , on Christmas eve . and then i think i'll be sleeping at home the entire day because the whole city will be extremely congested . i'm such a loser , i know . 

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