Thursday, January 12, 2012


so i went for my college's orientation today .

and it sucks knowing there's one more day to battle through tomorrow.
or more precisely , today. in a few more hours.

don't get me wrong . i've met quite a few interesting people along the way and though i cannot say for sure that we'll end up gelling together for the rest of my time here , i do think they're pretty cool . but honestly , i couldn't be bothered about that .

i was just tired the whole day .
and the whole motivational-talk thing was just plain boring .

and it made me a little uncomfortable to know that a lot of these people i met were putting on a confident facade in the namesake of being a 'lawyer-to-be' . or so to say .

i mean , i just felt really out of place .
because i was just like whateverrrr when the other were blablahbla-ing
with a few trying the take the lead it was even worse because i sort of have zero tolerance for people who come off as too authoritative when they've done nothing to prove that they're worthy . i'm not jealous or anything , just annoyed at being shoved and instructed around .

but as always , i let them take the lead .

i guess i'm really feeling more and more withdrawn by the day .
it's like i don't even care what's going on around me if it doesn't affect/involve me directly .
but this is also good because while i do not initiate anything , this teaches me to be more tolerant .

anyway gonna go grab some sleep now . hopefully i'll meet even more cool people i could click with today . or i would just leave early and grab lunch with the bestie some few stations away . i might even buy him a box of cigarettes to cheer him up since he'll definitely need it now more than ever . 

goodnight . x

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