Monday, April 2, 2012

making a stand

I don't think it matters , what you think of me at this point. I am whatever you say I am. The only consolation would knowing that regardless of which platform we're standing on now , we ended up at the right place.

This is exactly where the both of us stand. 

And I was right all along anyway. If you could place aside your pride, you too will see what I see. You too will feel what I feel. 

You know what it is that bystanders do best?  Pass comments and judgments. Because it's so easy to think you know a person , so easy to put labels and contain people in a bottle. But why should it affect me?  As I said, I am whatever you say I am and your discretion of thoughts is something I cannot rob you off. 

But remember, before you start pointing fingers, know that it takes a bitch to know one. 

Cheers x ♡

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