Monday, March 14, 2011

♥ #31 Frustrationnnn !

so this is it . i'm done clicking on ANYTHING on facebook and wait 398490284 hours for it to load . or crash on me . maybe i'll post these picture up on facebook later , but either way , it dont matter because here they are . BUT I AM STILL VERY VERY VERY ANNOYED WITH FACEBOOK .

amd the weird part is that it actually loads fine on my phone ? wtf is this ! :O

 my err..bag . :)

hello it's me again wtf haha . :3

MAMBOOOOOOOOO . look at Kriishand's face , btw -_-

that sounds and looks cuter than it actually tastes wtf DONT LET THAT PINK ELEPHANT FOOL YOU !

these pictures were taken last sunday . when we went to KDU for a debate competition . actually it was a 3 days thing , but if you want pictures of yours truly at her top, bitchiest form while debating , then i guess you'll have to wait a bit until Li Jene uploads those pictures up , and that's only assuming that she will . and these were one of those pitifully few camwhore shots i've got in my iphone that doesnt really speak much of anything , really . 

anyway , it was really cool having Kriishand and Eeu Jin for team mates because though we didnt actually make it to the octofinals ,  we did quite a decent job...i think . i learned alot from this and yeah , i met quite a few people , although i didnt actually went all out of the way to erm ...make friends . there was this team of three girls we were against ( we won , btw) and they were really cute and sweet !

when we left , one of them was actually going all like , 'bye ! keep in touch ! '

funny , because we didnt have each other's number or facebook or anything . heck , i dont even REMEMBER what school they were from hahahahha .

anyway , meet Mambo , this cute snack i picked up from 7-11 that actually taste like shit after your first piece WTF T_T. i know i actually look like shit here but Kriishand looks good so it's okay .

i told you cute things are the death of me ! i'm one of those millions of dumb , female consumers who fall for cute packaging wtfwtf . 

that aside , everything else needs no reporting . the three days were really tiring for me but it's alright . and there was this group of really funny and cute people i met from Sri Permata . I didnt actually get their names but one of them is Nik something something ! I know , because he added me on facebook (: . They were really funny la omgwtf damn layan me somemore T_T *touched .

andddd , there was also this boy that i knew and er , he was one of the student organizers and he was extremely helpful because he very patiently explained to me how to go to Atria or SS2 McDonald's since we didnt want to settle for chinese coffee shop food because Zahid was around WTF . aihyooooooooooo jauh perjanlanan but we all hopped into a cab anyway and went for mcd HAHA we are hungry people who are much too picky with our food wtfwtf . haih look at kids nowadays always fastfood fastfood no wonder la otak tak cergas hahahahah . T_T  

oh yeah , btw the boy's name is Alloisious . Or something . I cant actually remember the spelling hahah but yeah , he found my facebook . goooood job on thattttttt because i am a girl with a really difficult name WTF . he's classmates with my cousin Vivian btw , what a small world (: i think i might actually drop him a message later to say thank you and to congratulate him for having found me HAHAHA WTF NOLA I DONT MEAN IT WTF . 

and there's also another story about one little boy who was really pretty damn creepy towards me but that's story for another day . my teacher affectionately calls the MBS boys my 'fan club' WTF . T_______T and by boys I MEAN LITERALLY LITTLE BOYS WTFWTF HAIHHHHH . maybe i should compile all my 'Stalker 101 Collection' stories and post them up one day hahhaa haih fml i swear i attract the oddest people ever . they are either too young , which is pretty fucking disturbing , or toooooo old , which is EVEN more fucking disturbing .

okay that's it . bye bye . there's actually something else i want to say but it just seems a little inappropriate to me for that to share web space on the same column with such unserious material as this . i am just a little unhappy right now i guess . ):

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