Thursday, September 15, 2011

Makes Me So Angry

That people nowadays are so god damn stupid.

Do you seriously think that it is only women who suffer from eating disorders ? Do you seriously think it's only women who cut themselves? Don't stereotype. You think it's funny? It's not.

It's not a joke. Do you think it's fucking funny? 

I personally see these as signs of calling out for help. We don't know their stories. Why must we judge? Why do people dismiss emotional pain for stupidity? You have a good life , well k then , good for you. But really , we don't even know half their story. We don't know how they feel. What prompts them too be this way. You say they are stupid , but I'd say you're just a dumbfuck for being so shallow minded. Stupid? You sure that's all to it? How easy it is to stupidly sweep the stupid pain and miseries of others under a stupid blanket you call stupidity.

You don't understand life. If you're one of those people , the only thing I can say is please grow up.

I'm not saying that these people suffering from disorders of any sort don't have a choice. But I'm pretty sure they must feel that way. So let me ask you this again - do you go up to someone poor and laugh at their poverty in their face? Well , it's the same thing isn't it. People who can't help being in the position they're in , and yet at the same time not too vulnerable that they cannot alter the course of their lives.

Instead of offering hurtful comments , ask yourself , what have you done to change and impact the lives of others for the better?

What have you done to correct their 'stupidity'? Have you ever done anything to help them?

I think it's horrible how insensitive a great lot of us are. You know why I get so pissed over little things like this? You might say it's just a small matter but to me , it's not. It reflects on how ignorant the society is these days.  Everyone's twisted in one way or another. It's just not fair to point fingers at others and call their self harm actions stupid. Does it help anyone when you call them stupid? No. Do you think these people don't have people walking up to them , telling them they're stupid everyday? Of course they do. Then why do they still do it? Ask yourself.

And then again , you don't even understand. You can't even begin to understand . And God bless , you will never have to understand these sort of pain and agony. It's little things like this that makes my blood boil. People who can be empathetic but choose to put themselves on a pedestal just because they can.

Remember , we live under the same blue sky and when we die we're all going the same way. With or without pain , you're not too much different than them , afterall .

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