Sunday, September 11, 2011

My 17th Birthday

in pictures.

All I can say is , thank you so much to everyone who came on Friday and Saturday. Wanted to do it at Ben's , but totally forgot that it was the fasting month and ended up having no alternatives but to celebrate at Caffeinees since everywhere at Pav were fully booked. So silly of me to have forgotten to make a reservation! ):

But all in all , it was a really great night. Thank you so much to Ron , Alison , Gi Po & Xue Wern for coming all the way just to surprise me before midnight. And also to Julian & Brandon who came after 12 just to wish me in person. You guys are so incredibly sweet!

And not forgetting the people who were there with me on Friday ; Heidi , Christian , Nick , Chee How , Jia Chun , Qi Zhi , Clinton, Hui Quan, Joe Yang, Ruhi, Brian , Hoe Thean $ his friend! One big hug to Qi Zhi and Ruhi because the two got me a cake. :)

With Suki , who will always be one of my most unforgettable seniors. (: 

 This is Christian! Someone whom I've been really close with for ages , and could only be glad to have him in my life. Eventhough we don't meet too much now , once brothers always brothers! :P 

Happened to bump into some of them peeps from school!

With Aisha and Angela! 

Hoe Thean , his friend (dont think I got his name HAHA it's alright. ) , Brian and I! 

Fei Chai Brian whom I had dinner with just last night. (:

My lovely goat. We are both goats ! But inside jokes aside , dont you think we resemble each other a little? <3 

With Ron! Always such a sweet guy , insisted that he held my hand first so he can be the first to wish me when the clock struck 12. Heheeheeee. 

A complimentary birthday cake from Caffeinees , which I suspected must have been the work of Clarence! Thank you ah Little Boss . ((: 

The Strawberry Cheesecake Ruhi and Qi Zhi got me. Yummy! Thank you for always being such considerate friends! They're the juniors I'm closest to in school. (:

Okeh my face LOLOLOL.


With the very sweet Hui Quan! She's always so nice , so pleasant , almost never angry at anyone. Not even annoyed! Amazing how she does it. And thank you so much for the bracelet! It's lovely. (:

Friends that stretched from wayyyy back.

And this is Ron giving me a birthday kiss! I know I look a little red here. And that is also because we bumped into Daryl and Shaun there , and they came over with a birthday toast. I don't usually drink!

I'm not joking when I say I CANT and DONT drink. It was just ONE glass! Such a noob I am. Heheeee. (:

The red me and King Juju , who is in UK already now. ):

Ron and Brandon! 

Okay , so that is all for my birthday dinner. (:

My birthday actually fell on Saturday and not Friday. I only did it on Friday for convenience sake , since that is the day I ditch school every week.

And I remember having asked , or more of pestered , everyone that night , 'OI TOMORROW WE GO DRINK LAI CHA OK? ' It's really important to claim the complimentary bucket sized milk tea from Wong Kok okay! Compulsary! :P

And so it was a great Saturday for me as well. Thanks , Yuen Teng , Brian , Yi Jing , Jin Yang , Qi Zhi , Ruhi , Ron , Chee How , Jia Chun , Jacqueline , Robetto , Chng Tyne & Ron's friend for being there. :P

Brian and I , at Ben's. Okay , so that third leg guy actually denied it was him when Yuen Teng passed the phone to him! He kept claiming to be Jen Yen an then Wai Sheng! You think I stupid arh!

But still , thank you so much for coming all the way from Sg. Long to find me k? :)

My adjusting-bra-strap picture hahahaha just kidding ! It was a candid! 

Yuen Teng's attempt at artistic photography lol . 

Everyone doing their own thing!

Thanks Jing for the extremely cute lipbalm ! I em seh dakk use la! It's this lip balm in a tin , and there's a panda printed on it with a speech bubble saying, 'hug me!' . Awwww!

And so this was the present from Yuen Teng , Vanessa , Bryan and Sabrina! It's a really adorable makeup / jewelry case! They must think I'm still five. :P 

I am using it right now to contain my earrings and necklaces and whatever it is that can fit inside. Thanks again guys! (:

THE giant shot-glass lai cha! Ohm nomnom! Free :P 

With NGAU NGAU Jing! :)

You know it's not a good sign when Ron starts standing on the couch. That means his SUPERSTAR DIVA side is out and you can expect to hear him belt out anything from timeless classics to pop songs.

Just leave the Eminem and Lupe Fiasco to me , alright? :P

And that is Ron's friend on my right , who turned out to be a very good sport! I still can't remember his name (i'm so horrible with names , I know! ) and we actually enjoyed his company. He was a little shy at first but it was okay! (:

Paparazzi shots much? :P

Finally seventeen. 

Love my wifey :P 

Hamster face. (:

Guess where! Caffeinees again because Bryan wanted to shisha!

Okay so that's all! I know I'm so outdated for only posting these up now. I guess I really should update this place more from time to time. I almost forgot what it's like to give so much attention on blogging , even if I wouldn't consider this serious writing. It feels good. So comforting to write a little , post pictures up , not with the intention of gaining readers. I'm doing this for myself.

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