Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Can suck my imaginary dick.

I think I've really became one of those people who have lost their direction in life. I'm really praying it's just a teenage phase I'm going through and not some permanent damage of sorts. But then we never know so we'll have to wait and see if I ever get out of this phase.

I am usually not so chirpy in real life , if you get what I mean. I'm that boring girl who sits at a corner in a cafe and put my earphones on , read a book or something. Definitely not the kind to bother you with stupid faces. 

These two pictures were taken just a few days ago in a friend's new car.

I think it's pretty funny how everything happened as I said! Scary! I was just jokingly saying , 'You know what? I bet you'll get into an accident within 6 months , considering the way you drive.'

He got into an accident a few hours later. I swear I was joking.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it's not actually funny to most people but you must understand , the bunch like us find things like this to be funny. Nothing to laugh about? You are just stupid and we're just twisted like that.

And this is how I look like 80% of the time , truth be told. People don't believe me when I tell them this is my default face , and that I actually have nothing against them , contrary to their impression that they must've done something to piss me off. I must then smile to convince them that really , I am not angry , this is how I look like all the time. I put on this face when I'm in class , when I'm forced to learn what does not interest me , when I need a drag but can't , when I'm sleepy (which I am almost all the time) , when I don't have enough money and the list goes on. You get where I'm coming from. It's either I am never angry or I am angry all the time. 

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